vineri, 25 octombrie 2013

Takamatsu-sensei quotes

These are some very cool Takamatsu-sensei quotes:

“Being natural is the ultimate secret of our art.”

“The true value of budo is to train the mind to see clearly and maintain spiritual strength.”

“For taijutsu, the flexibility of the legs is the most important factor, not the strength of the legs.”

“The way of the martial artist is the way of enduring, surviving and prevailing over all that would destroy him. More than delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple outwitting of an enemy, Ninpô is the way of attaining that which we need while making the world a better place. The skill of the Ninja is the art of winning.”

“The heart of taijutsu is important and only through training will one polish that heart (like a gem) and understand true taijutsu.”

“Let him cut your skin, and you cut his flesh. Let him cut your flesh, and you cut his bones. Let him cut your bones, and you cut off his life.”

vineri, 18 octombrie 2013

A poem from Takamatsu Sensei to Hastsumi Sensei

Long ago I was an accomplished warrior of the Koppojutsu tradition.

I was courageous, and as intense as a flame,

Even in battle against dangerous animals.

I have a heart that is like the wild flowers of the meadow,

And yet as straight and true as the bamboo.

Not even ten thousand enemies can cause me fear.

Who is there in the world who can keep alive this will of the warrior's heart?

There you are.
This one sent to me by the Warrior Gods.

I have been here waiting for you through the ages.

luni, 14 octombrie 2013

Robert Hirschfeld and Shiraishi Dojo's around the World

Robert's initiative, a very good one, was to gather a group of old friends under the same umbrella.
Hence he created a website, you can find it here: , where you can find us listed amongst some other dojos, probably the list will grow bigger soon. We used to train together in the past, during many years, in Japan, now some of us are away from Japan for few more years, the others are still there. I hope that soon we will be able to invite in Cluj some of our friends from overseas, the idea being to get in touch with the latest energy vibes from Japan.

Thank you Robert for your great idea!

duminică, 13 octombrie 2013

Puteti vedea dojo-ul din noua locatie in poza de mai jos.

Va asteptam la antrenamente,

vineri, 11 octombrie 2013

Locatie noua pentru antrenamente

De saptamina aceasta am reusit sa gasim o locatie noua pentru antrenament, prin amabilitatea lui Ionut, un nou membru al grupului.
Pentru cei interesati este vorba de Fabrica de Sport, situata aici:
View Fabrica de Sport in a larger map

Adresa, interesant, nu are numar, dar este imediat dupa Outletul Ecco de pantofi. Usor de gasit deoarece exista un panou foarte vizibil din strada, dupa ce cobori taietura turcului si treci calea ferata.

Va asteptam si inca o data multumim lui Ionut pentru gasirea locatiei.


sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013

Se pare ca am reluat antrenamentele la Cluj, in conditii de iarna.
Un prieten interesat a pus la dispozitie un spatiu care este mai mult decit perfect pentru antrenamentele noastre. Si incepem sa cladim ceva pe termen lung :-)
Se pare ca 2013 a inceput bine si merge asa in continuare.